
English 101

English 101: Composition as Critical Inquiry is the course I currently teach here at Illinois State University.  The focus of the course is genre studies - by examining the expectations and conventions of various writing genres, we can adjust our writing to meet the varied demands of art, employment, and personal relations.

Fall 2014

Home: ENG 101 - Fall 2014

  • Schedule - Readings, Assignments, and Classroom Activities.
  • Course Policies - Attendance, Professional Conduct, and Learning Expectations.
  • Learning Map - The Goals and Learning Outcomes for ENG 101.

The following links from Fall 2012 may help better understand the course, but some of these materials are out-of-date.
Guide to Building Your Online Presence

Spring 2012

Complete Spring Semester Schedule
Unit 1: CHAT and Popular Culture - "Welcome to Kansas, Toto"
Unit 2: Writing Across the Curriculum - "Essays Are Eating My Soul!"
Unit 3: Grassroots - "If at First You Want to Write..."

Fall 2011 - (Click Here for Complete Schedule)

Unit 1: Community, Style, and Syntax
Unit 2: Plot, Causality, and Transition
Unit 3 - Grassroots and Writing About Writing
Unit 4 - Selling to the Hostile and/or Indifferent Audience