Monday, January 23, 2012

Unit 1 Rationale - CHAT and Pop Culture Presentations

The PowerPoint presentations you create for Unit 1 are designed to thoroughly familiarize you with Cultural-Historical Activity Theory and to help you apply CHAT to understanding the writing which surrounds us every day.  This in-depth description of the project is meant primarily as a reference - I recommend skimming it, and then returning to it as you consider your projects.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Unit 1 - Popular Culture and CHAT - Spring 2012

For Project 1, you'll be preparing a presentation on a work of popular literature of your choice. In preparing your presentation, here are relevant links you'll want to review.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Course Schedule and Resources: Fall 2011

This schedule from the Fall Semester of 2011 can give insights into how the course generally works.

Course Policies - Spring 2012

Here is a complete copy of the course policies for Sections 007 and 015 of English 101.  You can also download a PDF copy from the Moodle.

Semester Schedule - Spring 2012

Here's our current schedule. There will be quizzes on each reading on the day it's listed. Also note the assignments and deadlines in italics.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Presentation Checklist: Pop Culture and CHAT

This checklist for your **Popular Culture** presentations should help guide you as you put together your PowerPoint presentations.